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Got a Question? 

This page contains answers to the most commonly asked questions we receive from sailors and their parents.  Please check out the Q&A below, if you can't find the answer to your question please do get in touch.  There is no such thing as a silly question! 

Can I change boat, sail number, sail size? 

The traveller series is all about participation and making sure sailors continue to develop and grow.  Section 5 of the traveller series NoR allows sailors to change sails, sail number or boat type with permission from the series organisers.  It is the sailor who is entered for the series, not the boat/sailor combination. 

This allows sailors, for example; who progress from a club boat to their own boat, or sailors who move from an ILCA 4 sail to an ILCA 6 sail mid-season to count their results.   If you want to change boat / sail size then email to ask to change.  Unless there is a specific reason to say no, we rarely do. 


Other events we organise may have different rules, you need to check the NoR for the specific event you are attending.  

Books vs Boats, Sailing vs School?

The association actively supports young sailors prioritising their education.  Sometimes sailing has to take a back seat while important exams are taken.  The short term pain of no sailing will yield a massive long term gain; the water will be waiting when the exams are all over.  Without the best academic results they can achieve, the sailor will be limited in long term in career prospects which in simplistic terms means less money to go sailing when they are funding their own lifetime hobby!  

If a sailor is entered for an event and makes a last minute decision to study instead please contact us as whilst the traveller series NoR states no refunds, we are a little more flexible than this and can move your entry to a later event (for example).  Equally, if a sailor decides on the Friday night they really need to blow away the cobwebs, get in touch and as long as the entry safety limit isn't exceeded, we can usually help them get out on the water and blast those cobwebs! 

Do I have to enter all of the events at once? 

You can enter all of the events in the travellers series in one go, or enter each event as you go through the season.  There is a small booking fee each time you enter an event, if you enter them all in one go then you will save some money on booking fees.  Entry to each open meeting in the series closes on the Thursday before the event to give the host club time to get organised. 


Other events (such as team racing) may have different entry closing dates - see the event NoR for details.   

I entered an event but now can't attend.  Can I get my money back?

Please see the NoR for withdrawal of entry information.  If you give more than 7 days notice then you can usually get your entry fee back.   If you can't attend please email to let them know you can't attend.  Please also see the comments in the Books vs Boats, Sailing vs School section above.  

I've never sailed anywhere else before and I am very nervous about travelling.  

Fear not!  This series is one of the friendliest and supportive series out there.  Sign up, take a deep breath and go for it.  Please see our useful document on the event notice board page about the series which covers lots of things in more detail.  Ask for help, everyone went travelling for the first time once.  

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